Ashley and I literally practiced music all day! This evening an engaged couple came over for dinner to listen to us play music in order to approve if we could play at their wedding. We chose songs such as "I want to hold your hand," "Falling Slowly" by the Frames, "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds, "Come Away with Me" by Norah Jones, some songs by my band, "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol, and "Existentialism on Prom Night" by Straylight Run. I am so tired of those songs after practicing all day!
In the midst of practicing, I made chocolate chip cookies for the guests tonight and also for Tutu and their family. Little pieces of American Culture like that taste so good!
We just spent a lot of time with Tutu's family today, it was really nice.
Then, dinner was served and four guests came over: the engaged couple (a German man and a Thai model) and a married couple (a British man and a Thai woman). It was so many cultures in one room it was crazy! it was so cool to talk to all of the people.
Ashley and I played our songs for the couple and received a big applause. The German man, Thomas, immediately said "You're hired!"
It was a good day, but I am so tired. And tomorrow will be another big day of musical preparation for the concert in the prison on Monday. Also... I need to go prepare a sermon for church tomorrow. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Preach it sister! You go girl! We ran you video tonight, great response from the crowd!