So, there must have been a misunderstanding as of why all of the children thought it was acceptable to put all sorts of nasty crawly bugs all over me and in my hair tonight. J
Today was the last day of English Camp, and pretty much all of the older kids were back in school, so it was a pre-school day! The little ones are so adorable!
It is crazy what these kids have been through so far and they are still so young! Pretty much all of the orphans are rescued out of the hill tribes, and the hill tribes have their own languages! So most of the kids don’t even know Thai when they come to live in the orphanages. One of the littlest girls (with a Mohawk) is still just trying to learn Thai. Talk about a hard transition!
But the kids are so good! It is incredible how well behaved they are. One of the littlest boys sometimes is a little hyper and overwhelming compared to the other kids, but when you consider their stories and what they have been through, it is amazing to see how good they really are. This little boy specifically had been abused by his father. And he is so young.
I helped Ashley cook the American lunch for the Campus Crusaders (spaghetti, garlic toast, salad, brownies...). It was so good!
After, the kids watched Kung-fu Panda, which is great. Disney movies are always more fun in Thai. Ashley and I spent some time cleaning the learning center building today. The kids have been in it all week and it was a mess! I asked her if her intern position had a “job description” or how all of the staff functioned in their tasks. She said for the most part people just did what needed to be done. And stuff just got done. They don’t really have set tasks.
I was around in the afternoon just to play with the kids. At Prek Eng 1 orphanage they have some fun play set stuff that they can play on. It was fun to run around with them.
The Campus Crusaders came back for dinner and provided a favorite Thai dish for all of the staff and orphans. I usually love spicy food, but this one was crazy hot! I’ve learned for the most part not to ask what I’m eating, but just to enjoy the taste. Eric and I learned the other day that one of our favorite dishes has the broth of pig blood. Oops.
After dinner the kids did some dances and sang some worship. Thank you’s were given for a good week and then all the orphans had ice cream! It was quite the event. But the evening was not done yet. We had FIREWORKS! And SPARKLERS!
It was a very good and very tiring day.
Ohh I miss my roomie!! but 10 day until I see you all again!! :)
Thanks for keeping up the blog- I love to see what you guys are up to over there.