I cannot be blamed, however, for my lack of completing my first three weeks of homework for my Introduction to International Relations class. My books are still lost in space, and all of the surrounding bookstores and libraries are sold out! I finally had such a breakdown last night that I overnighted it from a different internet source and will have it waiting at home for me when I get home from school today. I cannot tell you what a relief this is to me, but wouldn't have time to if I wanted because of the amount of reading I have to make up.
It's going to be a long week...
Almost as long as this day. On top of the two three-hour classes that keep me in the classroom until dinner time, I then am going to stop in on a quick intro to Chinese session on my way to meet Aaron at Barnes and Noble. We then are going to hop on a train to a Buddhist meditation center in order to catch the evening meditation session as an experience for me to write my first paper on in my International Relations and Religion course.
My morning was dedicated to packing both lunch and dinner to carry us through our entire day in Boston. Our bed is going to feel very soft tonight.
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