Scheduling has worked out very much in my favor. This fall,
both of my classes will be on Wednesday, so I only will have to commute into the city once a week, and it is one of the three days that Aaron will commute as well!
Aaron and I were talking today about how crazy it is that literally overnight, with the new label of marriage, we begin a life on our own, laden with full-fledged responsibilities that we have never before carried. Providing our own full income, setting up school, paying bills, having meetings at banks, having my name legally changed... etc, etc...
Groceries, for instance, are much more of a burden than I had anticipated! I love cooking and experimenting, I am finding more and more, and I do not want to shed negative light on this new role in my life, because I love trying to get creative within my budget and to provide for my husband in that way. But I find myself thinking about food all the time, keeping a constant check on what we are running low on, what I could combine for meals next week - and it is a lot!
But I really would have it no other way. More shocking than the load of new responsibilities is to watch us successfully learn to manage them. As I was being handed my student I.D. card for Boston University today, it finally hit me that I am fully and successfully enrolled in graduate school and I that I navigated the entire process by myself! The responsibilities are rewarding, to say the least.
Anyways, the days are waning towards a schedule, and thank God my Wednesday commute will leave the rest of my week wide open for Turbo classes and lots of work at Jaho.
CHARISMA HOUSE has been bustling with activity. Kameron, Aaron's friend from MI, had an audition at the Berklee College of music this past week and stayed in Charisma house with his two friends for a few days.
Aaron turned our room into a recording studio for a day, and the moved the studio to Cody and Bryan's room to begin recording "The Jack Duvall" E.P., which will be wrapping up soon! The past two days Aaron and I have contributed vocally and musically to this project. It has been very refreshing and exciting.
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