As announced on the Sing for Company Website :
After journeying together for nearly their entire lives, it seems distance has finally forced its way between Jocelyn and Olivia.
Amid their success and love for each other and their music, Olivia and Jocelyn are announcing an official break from the band that they have so faithfully pursued for three years. Although dedicated to this pursuit, commitments to their education, relationships and other areas of their lives have grown in their demand to a point that Sing for Company is forced to turn their attention away from their music for the time being.
That being said, Sing for Company would like to couple the announcement of an end with the joy of a new start. Jocelyn of Sing for Company has joined The La De Les. Jocelyn will join current members Aaron Nicolas, Cody Nicolas and Sara Wilson in Salem, MA in order to continue in their journey already started.
Jocelyn and Olivia could not be more thankful for the experiences they have shared through Sing for Company. They could not have asked to have met more wonderful people or had the opportunity to share their music in a better way than those that were provided for them. They would ask now that current friends and fans turn and offer their support to Jocelyn and The La De Les as their pursuit of music continues.
Olivia is currently heading into her third year at Wittenburg University studying Biology and Music with a focus on pre-dental. After achieving her Bachelor’s degree, Olivia plans to continue on to dental school. She currently resides in Springfield, OH where she is taking classes towards her future full-time.
Jocelyn recently graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with a B.S. in International and Community Development. She will be married to the love of her life, Aaron James Nicolas, in July of this summer, and move to Salem, MA immediately. Jocelyn will begin a Graduate program at Boston University this fall studying International Relations and Religion. She will be pursuing life with her husband, music with The La De Les, her Master’s degree and teaching Turbo Kick aerobic classes.
View the "Chapter Torn Out" music video at Sing for Company
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